
Why E-learning apps are the future in the Indian education scenario

Over the past decade or so, schools in India have been trying to adapt to the emerging digital technologies. Most of them, especially in the urban and metropolitan areas have already equipped their schools with computer laboratories, digital classrooms, etc. However, all these existing technologies have their own limitations due to restricted usage i.e it’s accessible to the students only when they are at the school.

Thanks to the Covid-19 lockdown, in order for schools to continue operations and to resume classes, they have turned to methods such as video-calling, e-mailing, management systems (ERP), and many more. The schools have bought every technology available right now into the scene just to continue providing seamless learning opportunities to the students along with a strong remote monitoring system.

Also with the arrival of additional education aiding tools such as an e-learning app, schools have understood the value of blended learning i.e mixture of both traditional and online learning methods, as this is the best reinforcement for educational institutions now and also in the future. Let’s have a look at a few advantages of online learning apps and why the Indian Education System needs them:

1. E-learning can facilitate enhanced monitoring and teacher productivity. Teacher productivity can significantly increase with new-age eLearning tools allowing the teacher more time to focus on their students. E-learning solution gives the educational institutes an edge to create automated assessments with detailed performance analysis of each individual student. It also allows teachers to take immediate action as well as provide personalized attention to each student according to their scores in the assessments.

  1. An Online learning app can provide students with much greater access to interactive content. Students can be given access to online content such as e-books, animated videos, assessments, concept maps, etc., by teachers as per requirement. eLearning also measures the level of understanding by the students through online assessments, quizzes, etc.

The entire curriculum can also be customized in the form of course modules, based on a student’s current performance, helping them to improve their future academic endeavors.

  1. These tools also help in cultivating self-discipline skills in the students as they can set times and academic schedules and learn at their own pace. Online education is also very flexible for each student’s individual requirements and level of ability.Taking all the above points into consideration, the Indian education system needs to add apps like Fliplearn, which is a comprehensive learning tool into the curriculum for the best of both the students as well as the teachers. This app has a huge collection of learning content that covers the syllabus from kindergarten to 12th grade. It allows the students to personalize their study experience according to their learning style and pace. It also allows the students to learn & revise the concepts anytime anywhere making the whole experience more fun, engaging, and accessible.

    The learning management system feature of the fliplearn app is something that will be a great addition to the curriculum of the educational institutions. Schools can assign homework to the students, conduct virtual interactive classes for better clarity of the topics and upload various documents, videos & presentations. Teachers can also create customized tests for the students using their own questions or those from the question bank on the app. Schools can also use Fliplearn to generate test reports along with scores & question-wise reports of the tests/assessment as well as class reports to monitor the performances of the class across tests & assignments.

Students can now take an assessment or a learning quiz right in the comfort of their homes and get a detailed analysis of the results on their personalized performance dashboard, identify their weak areas and work towards improving them. So, all-in-all E-learning tools are the future and all the educational institutions in India need to adopt them as soon as possible for the benefit of themselves, students as well as the teachers.