
The CEO’s Guide for Developing Emerging Leaders

Potential leaders have aspirations, are highly observant, and are comfortable with paradoxical choices. This article will share some practical strategies for identifying and nurturing these leaders.

High-potential employees have high aspirations

These employees are generally eager to learn and grow and are constantly looking for new opportunities such as attending leadership courses. They don’t mind working under pressure and tend to stay calm under duress. They are willing to help others and are often eager to move up within a company. But identifying high-potential employees can be a challenge. Here are some traits to look for when identifying high-potential employees:

  • They are observant

Observant leaders are adept at identifying and analysing underlying patterns. They can see a potential leader in action and pick up on their latent strengths or talents through body language. Their keen eye for detail also helps them foster strong relationships with colleagues. The benefits of being observant are many. For instance, observant leaders have an innate ability to detect shifts in the business or problems with new initiatives. They can also see changes in their competitors’ moves and improve their speed.

  • They are comfortable with grey areas

Good leaders understand the importance of embracing the grey. They know that a leader’s actions and words set the tone for the team, and they are willing to let people behave, think and talk in ways that reflect the persona of a leader. They are comfortable with the idea that the best solution may not be the most obvious, and they seek the right fit in the proper context. Embracing the grey is a skill that is much tougher than it sounds. To become an effective leader, you must be patient, open-minded, and receptive to ideas.

  • They are critical thinkers

Organisations must develop future leaders with a critical mindset who must create several skills. Leaders must be able to evaluate various options and decide based on their own merits. In addition, they must develop the ability to recognise when their assumptions limit their ability to make decisions and implement change. Critical thinking courses can significantly impact this aspect of leadership development. Critical thinking is more challenging than improving behavioural skills because it cannot be measured like the former. But the results of a program indicate the success of the effort.

  • They have high aspirations

A successful development strategy involves understanding the individual’s aspirations. By understanding the aspirations of your employees, you can ensure that their interests align with your organisation’s needs. Failure to understand the aspirations of your employees will result in developing them for roles and responsibilities they are not suited for, poor engagement, and sub-par performance. Here are four fundamental principles for developing leaders with high aspirations.

There are more things that a CEO can learn about discovering potential leaders within an organization. Check out this guide from Corporate Learning Solutions: