
How to Make Your Virtual Campus Tours More Engaging?

How to Make Your Virtual Campus Tours More Engaging

A virtual campus tour is a great tool for students to use to learn more about the colleges they are interested in. However, many students report that these tours are not as engaging as physical campus tours. If you want your virtual campus tour to be more engaging, try out some of these tips!

1. Use a Variety of Media Types

Virtual campus tours often include audio, video, and photos to help you give prospective students a better idea of what life is like on your campus. But in order to engage the viewer, it’s important for these media types to have variety. You can do this by using interactive multimedia features such as quizzes, virtual tours, simulations, and more.

2. Include Engaging Content

You may have heard the phrase “variety is the spice of life.” The same can be said for virtual campus tours. If your tour consists of only photos, that’s one thing, but if you’ve incorporated videos, images, and interactive features into your tour, then it has more variety – which ultimately helps to keep viewers more engaged. The more engaging your tour is, the more likely visitors are to return and view it again in the future.

3. Utilize a Variety of Devices

Although virtual campus tours can be viewed on any device, you should still consider how each media type will look when displayed on a smartphone, tablet, or another mobile device. Not only should your virtual campus tours look good on every device, but they also should be easy for visitors to navigate.

You may also like: 7 Metrics to Measure the Success of Your Virtual Event.

4. Keep Tabs on Your Visitors

You can use tools that track where your website visitors are coming from and how long they spend viewing the tour. If you’re noticing people are only using the virtual campus tour section of your website but not spending any time there, you might want to add more interactive features.

5. Make the Tour Responsive

If you’re creating a virtual campus tour that can be viewed on the go from a mobile device, then you should consider making it responsive. A good way to do this is by creating a mobile-friendly website, so your virtual campus tour is easy to navigate on any device.

6. Add a Clear Call to Action

A clear call to action is a great way for you to encourage visitors to engage with your virtual campus tour. It will increase virtual campus visits. Some ideas include encouraging them to share the tour on social media, create an account, or view photos from a specific event. The more opportunities you can provide those are viewing your tour, the easier it will be for them to interact with your content.

We hope this post has been helpful in answering your questions about the use of virtual campus tours.